New Venture


I’ve been crafting on and off for years. Everything from plastic canvas to drawing to jewelry making. Nowadays, I tend to focus on jewelry. I find it therapeutic to put work into something and see the end result. It’s very satisfying to me.

We had a craft fair at work today, and I brought some of my pieces in. People liked them…and bought a few pieces! This got me thinking…

What do you think of my opening a shop? Either on Etsy or having a page on my blog where you could purchase jewelry pieces? Is that something that people would be interested in?

Please let me know! I’d love any comments and critiques.

Money Saving Tips and Tricks

One of my goals this year is to save more money. My savings was pretty much depleted when my son was born, and I’d really love a monetary safety net again. I now seem to have an issue buying LuLaRoe clothes (post on that later), and I really need to stop that! I even have a page in my planner dedicated to my savings account.

It’s planner official, so it’s legit.

I have a few ideas for trying to save more. Maybe they’ll help some of you out too!

Use cash only

I’m really bad with this. I use my card for everything. Using cash would make me stop and think about what I’m buying, and it would force me to budget more.

Put change in a jar

This goes hand in hand with using cash. The change I would have would go into a jar (I’m thinking a big ol’ Mason jar, because I’m a Southern girl) and I would use it for a fun purchase when I filled it up. Or it would go into my savings account, if I were a responsible adult…

Auto draft money into savings account

I love and hate this idea at the same time. I think it’s mainly trying to set an amount to have auto draft. What amount won’t I miss from my paycheck? I do love that it would be automatic and I wouldn’t have to think about saving money…it’s being done for me!

Sell items to secondhand store

Where I live, we have a store called Plato’s Closet where you can sell your gently used clothes and accessories. I’ve already done a big closet purge and donated a lot of clothes, but I need to find my more trendy clothes and try to sell them there.

Eat in more

I think I mentioned this in a previous post, but my husband and I used to go out to eat a lot. I think we would save money overall if we limited our restaurant time to maybe a couple times a month as opposed to once a week.

Don’t drink soda

This would be a great habit to cut just for my health, but I know not buying soda would also save about $20 a week. That’s a win-win in my book (and my wallet and my scale)!


What suggestions do you have for saving money?

Giving the Gift of Bookish

Holiday season is rapidly approaching, and I bet you’re wondering what to get your bookish friends. No? Just me? Well then…just in case you needed some gift ideas, I’ve found some great book-related gifts that are sure to be winners.*

Book Pencil Caddy

A friend of mine purchased this, and she adores it. It’s cute and functional. Keep in mind, though, that it is a touch small. She had to buy two in order for it to work for her. Find it here.

I Would Rather Be Reading Tank

I love tank tops. Granted, I never wear them by themselves, but I love them all the same. I would totally pair this with a cardigan and skirt for a fun business-casual outfit. Grab it here.

William Shakespeare Quote Print

Hubby and I decided that we’re going to make one room in our house a library, and we’re only going to decorate it with book-related items. This print would fit in nicely. I’d also love it in my son’s room! Buy it here.

WORD NERD Post Earrings

I ADORE earrings. I don’t change out most of my jewelry, but I love to have fun with earrings. I don’t have many nerdy earrings, so this might have to be in my jewelry box soon. Make it yours.

Harry Potter Inspired Mason Jar Lamp 

I want all the lamps from this seller. They’re absolutely gorgeous. I have no clue how they do it, but I just want them all. Get it NOW.

What are you planning on gifting this holiday season?

*Note: none of these people know who I am. This is not a sponsored post. I just really like their stuff and want it all. Also, I don’t own these photos. I took them from their respective sites. All photo credits go to them. 

Lessons from the Corporate World

As you might know from a previous post, I’ve been out of the teaching field for over a year and have delved into the corporate world. Let me tell you, it’s totally different. I have been pleasantly surprised by some aspects, but some parts have not been so pleasant. Here’s a few things I’ve learned:

  • There are cliques…everywhere.

This was one of the not-so-pleasant surprises. I guess it’s really because of where I worked previously (at the grocery store, where cliques weren’t really a thing, and at the high school, where I didn’t make friends); I somehow thought that this shouldn’t be a thing. I mean, we’re all adults. I figured that we were done with that. But no. Take a look in the break room during lunchtime and you’ll see the cliques. It feels just like the first day of school during lunch…you look around, desperately trying to find someone you know so you can sit with them and not worry. Most of the time I either sit by myself or eat at my desk. You usually just stick with your department.

  • Befriend the IT department.

I have had the worst luck with computers. I’ve gone through 3 towers in one year. No, I don’t break them! They’re just really old. I know at my work, any updates or downloads have to be approved by the IT department, so they’ll make their rounds. If you’re friends, you might get seen sooner, or you might get the most updated equipment (like me). Also, try to befriend the janitor and maintenance crew. Your area will always be clean and your items fixed.

  • Have a good immune system.

Offices are breeding grounds for infections and diseases. For example, this week one of my bosses has been out 3 out of 5 days, and my other boss 2 out of 5 days. I always try to show up to work, unless I’m running a fever, or now if I have a migraine (thanks baby boy). I have a little medicine kit at my desk with everything from ibuprofen to Dayquil to bandages. You never know what you might need. Try to take some vitamins, and make sure your hands are clean.

  • Get along with your neighbor.

I don’t know how many of y’all work in an office with cubicles, but I had no idea what it would be like. You share walls with so many people! For me, it’s 3 people. It’s very…intrusive. People walk by all the time, and they can see what you’re doing. It’s very noisy. You can hear people’s phone calls (and sometimes hear the entire conversation). The people you share walls with will no doubt become your friends. Just hope that they’re not rude…because you’re attached to them.

It’s definitely a change, that’s for sure. Is it my forever career? Don’t know yet. Right now I’m happy, and they pay me to be here. Win-win for me.

What To Do With Potential Fraud

Thank goodness for mobile banking apps, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have found this so quickly.

The joy of getting paid (besides the obvious) is seeing your account grow in a day. There I was, gazing at the amount in my account, when I see something weird. It’s a charge for a teeny tiny amount…at a place I’ve never been to. My heart immediately goes pitter-patter and I’m racking my brain, trying to figure out if there’s even a chance that I made that purchase. I decided it’s better to be safe than sorry and I called the bank. Turns out that purchase was made at a beauty supply shop, and if you know me in real life you know that I’m not a beauty supply kind of lady. Thank goodness the people at the bank were so helpful! They froze my account, I got a brand new card, the bank finished investigating the situation…all is right with the world.

So, what do you do when you suspect something fishy going on with your account? Call the bank! I made a little cheat sheet with all my information about this particular incident (account number, transaction wording, date, amount) so I could have all my ducks in a row. I get nervous with important stuff like this, so it’s good for me to have that information in front of me…in case I forget anything. The people at the bank know what to do, and they’re usually very nice (mine were), so they help ease your stress. Even if it might be something you could have done, I’d call anyway to be on the safe side. I’d rather look like a fool knowing all about my money than looking like a fool for not knowing all about my money. Have any of you experienced something like this? What did you do?